May 14, 2008

Piggy Bank Freebie

An original Nosey Nest Pattern.

© Copyright 2008 Nosey Nest. All rights reserved.
Please do not make money using this pattern. Just store it in the piggy bank...

Piggy bank freebie pic 1

Piggy bank freebie pic 2 Piggy bank freebie pic 3

It's obvious pigs are very nosey animals. So a free piggy bank pattern is the logical thing to do..... isn't it ?

Parts ( download PDF part 1 and part 2. )
1. Exterior side A ( cut once, exterior fabric )
2. Exterior side B ( cut once, exterior fabric )
3. Lining side A ( cut once, lining fabric )
4. Lining side B ( cut once, lining fabric )
5. Nose ( cut once, lining fabric )
6. Ears ( cut four times ; twice lining fabric, twice exterior fabric )
7. Tail ( cut twice; once lining fabric, once exterior fabric )

Enlarge to every size you wish. This one can hold a creditcard and some money.

Materials needed
- Fabric ( print for lining, plain for exterior. Of course, you could do all solid or all print, or a variety. )
- Button
- Little black beads for the eyes.
- Embroidery floss to make a little loop to hook around the button.
- Optional some stuffing for the snout.

- Cut all parts out of the fabric. Include a 1/4" seem.

Piggy bank freebie pic 4

- Sew together the ears and tail and turn right sides out ( Be patient, the fun starts after this ).
- Pin en sew parts 2 and 4 together up to the arrows ( see picture below ). Back stitch at each end to secure.
- Same for part 1 and 3.

Piggy bank freebie pic 5

- Pin both piggy sides together with the lining facing ( see picture below ).
- Put the tail in the right place.

Piggy bank freebie pic 6

- Sew together from forehead to tail. Leave the nose open. Back stitch at each end to secure. Make sure the lining doesn't get stuck.
- Handsew the little circle for the snout in the right place.

Piggy bank freebie pic 7

- Turn everything right side out.
- Sew the ears on ( don't sew through the lining ).
- Sew on some beads for the eyes ( mind the lining again ).
- Make a knot in the tail.
- Make a little loop for the button with embroidery floss.
- Sew on the button.
- You might want to put some stuffing in his nose.

Piggy bank freebie pic 8

Pin and sew together the bottom of the lining.

Piggy bank freebie pic 9

Put the lining in his belly.
This piggy is ready to be fed ! You're done !

For anybody who wants to own a piggy bank but doesn't want to sew; the piggy bank you can see in the pictures above is now in the Nosey Nest Shop. More piglets will be added later.

If you made a piggy bank with this pattern please add a picture to the Nosey Nest Tutorial Group at Flickr.

Have fun !